What is the Aston Villa Season Ticket Waiting List

Written by:

Chris Jenkins

Aston Villa is a historic club in the Premier League meaning that tickets to matches are in high demand, particularly with recent success in reaching the Champions League places in the 2023/24 season.

This may lead some fans to try to get their hands on a season ticket to make sure they have a guarantee for every home game of the year, but these tickets usually come with a long waiting list... But how long is the waiting period for an Aston Villa season ticket?

In this blog post, we will take a look at the costs of season tickets, the length of the waiting list itself and how you can join it today!


How Long is the Waiting List?

Depending on the club, the waiting list for a season ticket can vary in size. Larger clubs like Liverpool, Manchester United and Arsenal have hefty waiting times to get your hands on a season ticket of theirs, potentially making thousands of fans wait years to get their tickets.

So where does Aston Villa rank? Well as of the 2024/25 season, Villa has one of the longest waiting lists in the Premier League, with some sources stating that the waiting list could be as long as ten years.

While this is not as long as Arsenal or Liverpool, who both exceed 20 years, this can seem incredibly discouraging for many fans who would be dedicated to going to see their team every week.


Why is the Waiting List So Long?

The current number of fans estimated to be waiting in this list is around 26,000 people and Aston Villa have actually very recently reduced the number of season ticket allocations from 29,000 to 27,000 making the waiting list significantly more congested.

This issue is compiled further by the fact that the club did not make any season tickets available in the 2024/25 season, making the waiting list even longer.

There are, however, some plans to extend the stadium to hold more people which should allow for more season ticket allocations and therefore massively reduce the length of the waiting list.


How Much Does an Aston Villa Season Ticket Cost?

If you are one of the lucky few that is able to purchase a season ticket in the near future, then understanding the pricing for these tickets is very important. Below we have listed the prices and important information you should know about.


Season Ticket Prices

1888Zone 1Zone 2Zone 3Zone 4
Over 66£708£682£614£574£480
Armed Forces£756£728£655£612£512
Under 21£708£682£614£574£480
Under 18£472£455£409£383£271
Under 14N/AN/A£268£219£164

Source: https://www.avfc.co.uk/news/2024/june/03/Season-Tickets-2024-25/


What are the Villa Park Price Zones?

Zone 1: Around the halfway line of the Doug Ellis Stand and Trinity Road Stand

Zone 2: The rest of the Doug Ellis and Trinity Road Stands as well as the Mid and Central Upper Tier of the Holte End

Zone 3: North Stand Upper Tier and Wide Upper Tier of the Holte End

Zone 4: The Corners of the Stadium and directly behind the goals in the North Stand and Holte End


Why Are Season Tickets so Valuable?

Season tickets are incredibly rare to get your hands on, it can be a long wait to see your team play. This is what makes season tickets such a commodity, their scarcity makes it very special for someone who is able to get their hands on one.


Are There Any Alternatives?

Considering the long wait for a season ticket, many fans may wonder if there are any other ways to get a hold of tickets for their favourite club’s matches, luckily, there is!


Club Membership

Aston Villa currently offers a club membership program which allows members to attend exclusive events and even get their hands on a member-specific selection of priority football tickets that allow them to get matchday tickets more easily.

These tickets are usually a presale event before they are opened to the general public so members will still need to be fast to get their tickets!


Buy Tickets From Football Ticket Pad

At Football Ticket Pad, we have a wide range of football tickets for all kinds of Aston Villa games. Whether you’re looking to attend an FA Cup match or want to experience an incredible Champion’s League night, Football Ticket Pad has you covered!

If you are interested in buying Aston Villa tickets, you can look on our website or you can always get in touch with our team who will be happy to help find the best deal for you.